Release notification R3:1512, released in Q4 2023

Dec 15, 2023



Datafisher LMS improvements, upgrades and new features in User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)  


Datafisher LMS performance, functionality and design have improved during Q4 2023. The release consists of the following features and improvements:


1. Questionnaire before training/event:

A new feature of adding a pre-quiz before trainings or events. By adding a pre-quiz before training, users need to complete it before taking the training. By adding a pre-quiz to an event, users will have to complete it before they can enrol to the event.

Pre-quizzes are mandatory to take, and their results can be found in the admin panel.

  • First, create the desired quiz under the “Quizzes” tab. Give it a name that indicates what this quiz is about, and define the questions and answer types.
  • Go to the training/event whom you want to add the pre-quiz to, and under “Additional options” -> “Pre-quiz”, select the quiz by its name.

If needed, a pre-approval by manager can be set for pre-quizzes. When pre-approval by manager is on, the user’s manager need to approve the pre-quiz before the user can take the training or enrol to the event. The manager can approve and view the pre-quiz results from the manager view.


2. Preview content in the admin panel:

As an admin, you can now easily preview content in the admin panel. Preview the uploaded content by clicking on the preview package icon. The preview package icon can be found under “Content & material” -> “Content” -> “Actions”.

It is possible to preview both active and inactive packages. 


3. New features and improvements in “Events” functionality:

  • Event’s trainer(s) receive an automatic invite when they are added to events, and notification about cancellation or changes made to the event.
  • When new events are added, notifications will be sent to users in the global waiting list informing that new events has been added.
  • Active enrolments of blocked employees are cancelled 3 days after their block date.
  • A notification will be sent to the user, content owner, and manager about enrolments that still hasn’t been approved.
  • Improvement to listing people in waiting list. Under “Enrolled” there is a new “Advanced” button. Click on it to review who among the people in the waiting list has enrolled to any event.


4. Block of admin account if corresponsive user account is blocked:

Admin accounts are automatically blocked after the corresponsive user account has been blocked.


5. User portal “Facelift”:

Design and layout improvements are implemented in batches to the UI (User Interface) of the Datafisher LMS user portal:

  • Hover effects
  • Color adjustments
  • “Your courses” dashboard
  • Size and font adjustments
  • Expiring soon icon on expiring trainings
  • Mandatory tag for mandatory trainings
  • Rounded styling on text boxes and cards
  • Spacing modifications between elements


Other small upgrades

We released some additional small upgrades that improve the system’s performance and visuals.

List of the upgrades:

  • Improvement to authentication process.
  • Visual upgrades for clients.


Link to Datafisher Admin Guide

Link to Datafisher LMS’ Release Notifications


For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact your contact person or [email protected].