Release notification R1:1534, released in Q1 2024

Jan 5, 2024



Datafisher LMS improvements, upgrades and new features in User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)  


Datafisher LMS performance, functionality and design have improved during Q1 2024.

The release consists of the following features and improvements:


1. Users import:

A new user-friendly system for importing and editing users in bulk.

Admins are able to easily import new users and edit existing users by uploading an Excel file with the required fields to the LMS.

Admins can import user data only for users included in their scope. For example: specific division admin can upload user data only of users within that division. Users outside of the admin’s scope performing the import will not be updated.

The import is done through the “Users” -> “Import” tab:

  • Click on ‘Download templateto download the .xlsx data template that specifies the available columns, formats, and possible values, along with a few example rows. 
  • Click on ‘Add’ to start the import process.

It is recommended to validate the uploaded data to check for any possible issues.

The import results are shown in a table. Import history is also available, including imports done via integrations (HR systems, Active Directory). 


2. User management:

Improvements to the UI of the user management (user profile) page in the admin panel, last activity and blocked boxes added to the head of the page, showing the user’s last activity date and if the user is blocked or not.

The user management consists of the following 3 upgraded tabs:

  • General:

This tab contains the user data. It consists of the following sections:

  1. Attributes and Timeline
  2. Overview
  3. Details

In addition to the new data organization, new actions can be done through this tab:

  1. Set the user as external/internal or block/unblock the user.
  2. Send new password to the user or delete the user account.
  • Training activity:

This tab contains the training activity information. See point 4 for more information. 

  • Team:

This is a new tab that contains a list of the user’s team members and statistics.


3. User fields management:

All user fields must be predefined, along with their data types, and allowed values (where needed).

For example, if your users have a “company” field, you could predefine the list of companies to ensure data correctness and provide better search/assignment experience. 

All fields must also have a nice human-readable label and a short description of what it is about. This information is displayed in user profiles to admins and managers, and in Excel reports.


4. New design and adjustments to the training activity view:

The training activity view is now unified for the Learn Portal, Manager View, and User Management. It provides a detailed view (session history, quiz results) in addition to general information (completion status, expiration date).

  1. Learn portal – users can view their training activity information under “My Training Activity”.
  2. Manager view – managers can view their employees training activity information under “My Direct Reports”.
  3. Admin paneladmins can view the same information from the user profile “Training activity” tab.


5. Improvements to events:

  • It is possible to download a list of all events, current events, and a specific training’s events.
  • It is possible for trainers to enrol people to trainings. This option is off by default.
  • Notification to content owners when someone sign up to an event’s global waiting list.


6. Equivalent Trainings and Base + Renewal Training:

Two new content type options have been added to the system:

  1. Equivalent contents:

Equivalent contents type is like a learning path that contains a collection of contents that are considered as equivalent. This means that to achieve completion for equivalent contents training, you need to complete only one of its contents. Unlike in a learning path, that you’ll need to complete all modules to achieve completion.

  1. Base + Renewal training:

Base + Renewal training type is like a learning path that consist of two contents, the base content, and the renewal content. The base content is the basic training that the user must take first. The renewal content is the training that the user must take when the base training has expired, likely a shorter version of the base training.


7. Delegation of permissions available in “My Direct Reports”:

Managers can delegate their permissions to someone else, until a pre-defined date. So that when they are absent, someone else can take care of their reports/approvals for them.

The delegation can be done by the manager from the “My Direct Reports” – > “Delegate permissions” tab.

Delegees can see the delegated team members from their ownMy Direct Reports”. 


8. Annual training target:

A default training target can be set for all users. By default, this feature is disabled. 

Admins can override the annual target training target from the user profile in the admin panel. Managers can override the target time of their subordinates from “My Direct Reports”. 


Other small upgrades

We released some additional small upgrades that improve the system’s performance and visuals.

List of the upgrades:

  • Improvement to report navigation.
  • Visual improvements and upgrades to the learn portal.
  • User data synchronization for clients.
  • Improvements to time reporting of trainings.


Link to Datafisher Admin Guide

Link to Datafisher LMS’ Release Notifications


For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact your contact person or