Datafisher started in the year 2000 as a company near Savonlinna, Finland, when two friends got together: one contributing his skills and the other the money. After the first internet bubble burst in the early 2000s, the company was approached by then Nokia Mobile Phones and asked if Datafisher could start with digital training modules – otherwise known as e-learning. At the time, the managing director of Datafisher was a teacher by training, and had the skills and the technical knowledge, so the request was an easy transition for the company.

About us.
Datafisher started in the year 2000 as a company near Savonlinna, Finland, when two friends got together: one contributing his skills and the other the money. After the first internet bubble burst in the early 2000s, the company was approached by then Nokia Mobile Phones and asked if Datafisher could start with digital training modules – otherwise known as e-learning. At the time, the managing director of Datafisher was a teacher by training, and had the skills and the technical knowledge, so the request was an easy transition for the company.
The company grew with Nokia and became one of the three main Finnish e-learning vendors for Nokia Mobile Phones. The crash of Nokia was a crash of the whole digital ecosystem in Finland. As the company had become a major Ethics and Compliance training provider already by then, in addition to all type of general e-learning, it made a change in strategy in 2016. The new strategy was to focus on Ethics and Compliance substance matter knowledge and technology.
This change has slowly but surely put Datafisher among the biggest Ethics and Compliance online training companies in the Nordics, as half of our clients are already European industry leaders in their field.
In addition, our Saas platform, Datafisher LMS, emulates our philosophy that technology should be affordable and easy to use, without losing the features that you need to manage your organization trainings and events with appropriate reporting and audit trails. It has been slowly but surely gained traction and is now used in over 40 countries from USA to China and from Norway to Argentina.
Datafisher has always been a multicultural, diverse, and inclusive workplace, with personnel from Argentina to Finland and from the USA to Estonia, not to forget Italy as well. This unique combination has created a company were Flexibility, Trust and Diversity are the values we want to stick to and believe in both internally and externally.
Contact Us.
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Address In Finland:
TECHNICAL support.

Phone: +358 40 350 7527
SALES & administration.

Phone: +358 44 593 2336

Digital: Datafisher Oy, OVT 003716058151, Operator: Apix Messaging Oy 003723327487
Paper: Datafisher Oy, PL 16112, 00021 Laskutus