Release notification R3:1580, released in Q2 2024 (early June)

May 16, 2024

Datafisher LMS improvements, upgrades and new features in User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)  


Datafisher LMS performance, functionality and design will be improved in stages during Q2 2024.

The release consists of the following features and improvements:


1. Improvements to checklist functionalities and design: 

Checklists functionalities, design, and user experience (UX) will be improved in the LMS.

Create a checklist template, assign it to the relevant people, and manage all the functionalities and process via the “Guided training” tab in the admin panel.

The main improvements that will be implemented in checklists are:

  • All checklists will have a unique thumbnail icon that is used only for checklists. This icon is visible to end-users as the cover of checklists in the learn portal.
  • Additional flexibility and functionalities, such as the ability to define a trainer for checklist items, or not. If a trainer is defined, you can choose whether to require the trainer’s approval for checklist items.
  • Visual improvements of checklists will be implemented both in the admin panel and the learn portal. This visual upgrade will make the checklists easier to manage for admins and more accessible to end-users to complete.
  • Checklist items can be two different types: text or course. In Text type, you can write and describe the task, and possibly set a trainer, and the trainer’s required approval. In Course type, you select the course, and the task will contain the link to the course, the course description, and course completion status.
  • Checklist statistics are available for assigned checklists. Review the amount of completed items, approved items, and overall progress of the checklist items.


Visibility and management from the admin panel:

  • Managers can view checklists they created, shared with them, and global checklists.
  • Admins can view and edit checklist templates and assigned checklists (according to their permissions).
  • Checklist trainers can view and approve items assigned to them.


2. Customize the user portal:

A new feature to customize the user portal and front page texts based on user group.

In the admin panel, from “System” -> “My Page” tab, superadmins can review and create custom made “My Page” configurations.

To set a new “My Page” configuration, click on the add button, name the configuration, create it, and define the target user group that will see this view as their “My Page” in the learn portal. If you don’t define a specific target user group, the target group is all users.

Make different “My Page” configurations to customize the front page user portal for different user groups.


3. Improvements to events:

  • Event content owner will be notified about events to be cancelled due to not having enough participants.
  • Currently, event content owners are notified about new enrollments, and now, after the release, they will also be notified about cancellation of enrollments.
  • For event waiting lists, after users enroll to the waiting list of an event, you will be able to define the following settings regarding new available places in the event:

1.  Offer the new spots one-by-one according to the registration order to the waiting list

2. Offer new spots to everyone in the waiting list at once, fastest to respond gets the spot


4. Admin panel translations:

New languages are available to use in the admin panel. To change the language, log in to your admin account, and choose a language from the available languages at the top right corner of the page.


5. Improvements to manager view and approvals:

Navigation in the manager view will be improved in the admin panel, making it easier and more accessible for managers to review their overall team performance and approve pending items.

  • A needing approval table will be added to the needing attention tab, providing direct access to pending approvals.
  • Needing attention table will be hidden on the user page when there is nothing that requires attention (e.g. mandatory and not completed yet).


Other small upgrades:

We released some additional small upgrades that improve the system’s performance and visuals.

List of the upgrades:

  • Mobile apps have been improved and upgraded.
  • SharePoint integration for contents in the Datafisher LMS.
  • External LMS integration to Datafisher LMS.
  • Small UX improvements to the admin panel and learn portal.


Link to Datafisher Admin Guide

Link to Datafisher LMS’ Release Notifications


For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact your contact person or [email protected].